In everything we do, we believe in leading with love.

Are you ready to stop dreaming and to make things happen?

Are you ready to realize your next big vision/dream?

Do you need to get your enthusiasm and energy back for what you are doing?


Lead With Love Presentation by Carolin Z

Here are some typical pain points my clients experience:

  • I’m living my dream/realizing my vision but it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore…
  • I’m so overwhelmed/stressed/tired/depressed. I just need to get through this rough patch but I can’t seem to get to the other side of it…
  • I love what I do and I believe in it but it’s been hard recently…
  • I know what I want to do next but it’s so hard to find the time/energy/money/resources/courage to do it.
  • I want to share my experience/knowledge/vision but I don’t know how to communicate it…
  • I’m very successful at what I do but I still don’t feel complete. I’m looking for more meaning in my life.

First there is an intention, a want to do something, to improve the world, your company, your team or yourself in some small or big way.

Then there are the obstacles. I can’t, I don’t know how to, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have time, I don’t have the right skills, etc. There is always a perfect excuse not to go ahead. 

And then there are fears – the fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of rejection, etc.

Want to become a better leader? Yes, but right now I have too many fires to put out…

Want to go on a great adventure? Yes, but first I need to…

Want to change your culture? That would be amazing but we just don’t have the time/budget…

How do you get started? How do you make those big amazing changes in your life and at work? You know you have the intention to do something great but where do you go from here?

Every journey starts within. The first step is always to find inner clarity and to lead with love. Ask yourself “What would love do?” or “What is the most loving thing I can do right now?”

The next step is commitment to staying on the path of personal growth, to constantly become a better version of yourself.

Then comes courage, the courage to audaciously live your truest and most meaningful life.

And finally, there is discipline; showing up every day to take the next step(s) on your path.

These practices (and they need to practices rather than just ‘values’ or ‘principles’) help us create momentum.

And soon we will see impact where it matters.

Leadership |  Organizational Culture |  Writing |  Women |  Adventure

Please get in touch or book a free strategy session



Lead With Love Coaching

Stressed? Tired? Feeling stuck? Not really yourself at work?

When work suddenly feels like work again, when you’re constantly tired, when you find it difficult to have constructive conversations, then you’re in struggle, you’re disconnected.

It’s time to get back to flow & connection, to rediscover the effortlessness and enthusiasm that comes naturally in the early days, to bring back the feeling of play, of exploration, of joy, to reconnect to your purpose in a meaningful way (read more)

“I’ve met plenty of coaches over my career and Carolin is top-notch. She’s incredibly specific and intuitive in how she conducts the course of the sessions and nudges you in the right directions to be able to find the hints you need to get closer to goals and understand obstacles. She’s a minimalist in that she doesn’t need a lot of words to steer you in directions that will yield great results. She has several methods, plenty of experience and deep empathy that allows her to get to the heart of the matter sifting through the noise. We have become good friends over the course of our sessions. Hire her, she has the ability to change people’s lives.”

– Maximiliano Goldschwartz, Ed-Tech Founder

Organizational Culture Transformation

“What are your core values?”

“Oh, they’re on a poster out there in the hall.”

I’ve had countless variations of this conversation over the years at companies of all sizes, stages and industries.

Values are often vague terms like honesty, humility or professionalism. Employees are left to interpret them, aspirational aspects are not included, so how to live the culture is left up to the individual’s interpretation.

Co-creating culture, identifying what matters to the team and putting it in writing in a way that can serve to guide decision-making is extremely helpful and frees up a lot of energy (read more)


Writing & Editing

Stories – our whole life is made up of stories. We have so many stories to tell, we have so much wisdom to share. Where to start, though? How to frame the story?

Together, we can find the best way to get the content from you to me, depending on your preferred mode of communication. We can figure out where you’re struggling and what might help to get you into flow again (read more)

“One of the best Freelancers I have engaged so far across Freelance platforms. She understood our objective quickly and delivered a fantastic product. We have enjoyed working with her. She went above and beyond our expectations and we recommend her for her professionalism apart from all the skills that matter for a writer. Being a coach herself was a plus point for us!”



(See also ‘Africa Project’ in Adventure)


In collaboration with Giulia May

Pioniras are women who live life on their own terms.
Giulia and I often get comments like “I wish I could do what you’re doing” or “ I wish I had as much freedom as you do.”

Why don’t you?

Everyone can have the kind of lifestyle we have, where we choose whether we want to travel or stay in one place, whether we want to do a job or not, who we want to spend time with and what we want to spend our time on.

There are certain practices that support us in maintaining the lifestyle, that’s for sure. In many ways it is not the path of lease resistance – and in some way it is.

We constantly have to face fears and deal with them. We have to believe that there is a way, even when everyone around us is shouting ‘impossible!’ (Read more)



Africa Project – Women Who impACT

An exciting motorbike adventure that is all about social impact across Africa (read more)

About Carolin

As an executive coach, business mentor, serial entrepreneur and dance therapist, I have a lot of first-hand experience and expertise that is highly relevant to my clients. So I have created a unique coaching & consulting approach that supports my clients to get out of the struggle and into the feeling of flow, where their days are filled with more focus, freedom, ease and alignment, where conversations are more effective and where they work and lead in more sustainable ways. I have close to 20 years of experience in which I have worked with more than 3,000 clients across various geographies.

It takes a village as they say… That is why my intention is to build a network of like-minded alchemists – coaches, consultants, facilitators, writers, etc. who are ready to witness and facilitate transformation and co-creation. This is why I have called this “The Impact Collective” to send that intention clearly out into the world and call in amazing talent with aligned values to become part of the collective. Meanwhile, I will use my extensive network to recommend and refer as needed.

Are you ready for a little alchemy, i.e. a little transformation & co-creation?

Are you ready to connect?

Please get in touch or book a free strategy session
